Whenever you head out for a nice day on the water, you likely don’t think about how quickly your life can change if you are in a boating accident. However, whether it’s due to negligence, malfunction, or even inexperience, boating accidents are unfortunately common occurrence here in Arizona. If people you love have been involved in a boating accident, they need the proper representation to get them the financial compensation that they deserve. Here at Jenkins Law Firm, we will fight to get you exactly what you need after a boating accident. For more information, you can call us anytime, day or night, at (602) 283-9868.
There are a variety of causes that could result in a boating accident. Unfortunately, it’s estimated that alcohol is involved in roughly 17% of these accidents. In addition, many people are not properly experienced to be in control of a boat, and this can lead to accidents both on board and with others in the area. Boating accidents may also occur if there is something wrong with the vessel. If this is the case and you believe that your boat wasn’t functioning properly, then it’s important that you get the proper representation that will get you everything you deserve after an boating accident.
It’s important to note that there are a variety of situations that can be qualified under the term, “boating accident.” These include:
As you can probably imagine, the law for boating accidents can be quite complex. Because there are a variety of different conditions that go into each accident, it’s important that you are represented by a team that has experience and knowledge of law that pertains to boating accidents. Built on strong Christian beliefs, Jenkins Law Firm wants to fight for you and ensure that you get the compensation you deserve.
The results of a boating accident can vary. In some cases, people may end up getting seriously injured or even killed due to a boating accident. In either event, it can be both a financial and emotional toll as you try to recover from the accident. Although it may seem difficult, it’s not a hopeless road to get the compensation you deserve. Instead, we will work for you in order to make sure that you are properly protected and represented, with the hopes that your life will be able to get back to a bit of normalcy after time.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a boating accident, don’t wait any longer to call us at (602) 283-9868. Jenkins Law Firm is here to listen to your case, and we look forward to the opportunity of helping you recover from a boating accident.